If you’re considering booking baby photography session, I know you’ll have lots of concerns, hopes and questions. After working with many new parents just like you, I can take a pretty good guess at what they are. Let’s talk about 3 things my clients say before their newborn baby photography session!
What if my baby is too unsettled?
This is the most common worry I have come across with new parents and it is completely understandable. In fact, this was a very real concern I had when I was due to become a parent for the first time. What if I couldn’t settle baby? I had no hands on experience so my confidence on practical parenting abilities wasn’t high. You know who does have experience in settling babies? Me, now. I have held and settled so so many babies, in my career and in my personal life since having my Son, that I have gathered skills to help baby remain calm. I’ll also tell you that on a rare occasion, baby is having none of it. It’s very obvious if baby is having one of those days and I will usually call the session quite early and recommend that we rearrange. This is no ones fault and there is no extra charge for this. As a side note, I have a whole blog on settling too. Maybe check it out when you are done.
Oh no! Baby has come out in baby ache/flakey skin/scratched themselves!
I felt this hard with my boy child. His baby acne was something else bless him. I panicked, worried his photos would not be like the ones I’d been dreaming of since booking. It’s normal, it happens to everybody and it’s not a big deal. Maybe not all at once but to some degree, these little things happen to newborn babies. I will remove any non permanent marks during the fine edit. You won’t be able to tell. It won’t cost you more. Photoshop and I are good friends.
I really want to have a couple of amazing photos of me and my baby!
But I just gave birth and feeling a bit worse for wear. I hear you. It’s hardly a Med Cruise is it. Firstly, It’s ok for you to look like you just had a baby, because you have! Secondly, this might be the first time you have attempted your usual getting ready routine and you might quite enjoy it! I always feel better when I’ve done mine. Thirdly, I’m know my job and I will take photos that flatter. And finally, I guarantee that in a few years you won’t give a hoot what you looked like and will be so pleased you have a photo of you with your most precious one that isn’t a shit selfie.
Final thought.
These are just 3 things my clients say before their newborn baby photography session. You may have a whole bunch of other questions or concerns. What you need to know is that I am always here and will always have time to send a message or hop on a zoom to talk to you about any detail or worry that you have. I have been there, I am you. I got you.
Ready to take that first step to capturing your perfect little human? Click here and message me, right now and tick it off the list.