I am writing this from my desk amidst lockdown 3.0. Homeschooling my very active 4 year old and attempting to develop my toddler’s speech and understanding of the world around her is showing me several things. I am hoping that blogging gives me a creative outlet and who knows, maybe I’ll write something helpful for some people.
My children are super fed up of me. Honestly, even crafts that I try to arrange for the babies are becoming less and less well received. They would rather run around the house as fast as possible, striking fear into me that they will run into *insert all static household objects*.
My 4 year old needs handholding through every single school task. Unsurprising but still, its a slow plod through every task.
People only walk for exercise in lockdown. The field behind my home is never busy. A few dog walkers and a couple of runners at peak time usually. In both lockdowns there has been a surge of people walking in groups and teenagers gathering and leaving their bottles and food packets all over.
Dry January was not the smartest challenge to start 2021. Ok, I joke on this point. It’s been ok and as much as I would love a little tipple whilst I sit here, I will enjoy a glass in a few days.
Biscuits are life.
Reading the comments of any EDP article on Facebook is not worth the stress. Gosh, there are some comments that really fire up the rage.
I miss my work. This comes with a pang of guilt because social media shakers would say, ‘you should be enjoying your time with your children, you are so lucky.’ Yes I am lucky to be able to hang out with my kids but at the points in each day (yep every single one) where they are both making noise that I can only described as a raucous din, I would like to have a break.
I have decided that I am going to blog. My social media accounts are quiet because I don’t want to advertise services I can not currently offer. But I want to work in some capacity. In essence, late night blogging and planning new sessions it is.
I have a few thoughts in the pipeline. Look out for new blogs.
In conclusion, it looks like Lockdown 3.0 is here to stay for a while, best get comfortable with that fact. No matter what, I will always think how lucky we are really. Others have lost loved ones, are forced to go to work in potentially threatening environments and some people facing financial ruin. Staying home might be a test of patience, but safety is the most important thing right now.
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